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Preservação de Turfeiras no Estado do Rio

O artigo a seguir foi preparado para compartilhar com participantes do ecossistema global de preservação de turfeiras.

Conservation and Restoration of Peatlands in the State of Rio de Janeiro at Risk

Executive Summary

Being the forefront of the “Living Peatlands” project and in charge of the CPA Tia Telinda´s experimental Farm (CPA), Reynaldo Rosa´s responsibility encompasses the collection, research and development of solutions aimed at combating environmental degradation in the north of Rio de Janeiro state. This degradation has been mainly caused by illegal clay extraction, especially in areas of peat soil and acidic water.

Despite growing environmental awareness worldwide, regional peatland projects in Rio de Janeiro face major challenges as they are not funded by the administration and coastal tropical peatlands do not receive the same attention from the scientific community as, for example, the Amazon region. The lagoons of Baixada dos Goytacazes are distinctive features of the river-marine plain in the north of Rio de Janeiro.

CPA is dedicated to the protection and restoration of peatlands, recognized as essential pillars for climate regulation, biodiversity preservation, and water quality maintenance. As an innovation hub, CPA brings together partners and local communities to develop innovative conservation techniques, promote public awareness of the importance of peatlands and engage local communities in their conservation.

CPA´s work is based on three essential pillars: 1) The identification, recovery, and preservation of tropical peatland areas; 2) Conduct research focused on the rich local biodiversity, seeking its application for the benefit of humanity and 3) The recovery of areas degraded by clay extraction, using sustainable methods.

As Reynaldo firmly believes that this work is crucial for the preservation of this complex ecosystem, full of potential and indispensable for environmental balance, he is eager to engage more intensively with the peatland community, to learn from activities in other coastal tropical regions, the peatlands abroad and collaboration on projects in Rio de Janeiro to protect and restore peatlands. Please reach out and connect to him at

CPA Main Project: Living Peatlands Initiative

The Living Peatlands Initiative aims to preserve and revitalize peatland ecosystems in Campos dos Goytacazes. Through comprehensive assessment, restoration, and commercialization of carbon credits, the project promotes environmental sustainability and community engagement. Additionally, the initiative focuses on the conservation of threatened species, such as the Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolia), which holds cultural and ecological significance in the region.

Tropical Peatlands in Campos dos Goytacazes: Characteristics and Reserve Extension

The peatlands in Campos dos Goytacazes represent a crucial ecosystem, storing significant amounts of carbon and supporting diverse flora and fauna. The chemical composition of these peatlands varies widely, influenced by factors such as mineral content, composition of organic material, and drainage conditions. Understanding the dynamics of organic matter accumulation and decomposition in tropical peatlands is essential for effective conservation and sustainable land management practices. Preserving these peatlands is fundamental to mitigate climate change, preserve biodiversity, and ensure the provision of essential ecosystem services.

Lagoons of the Goytacazes Plain

The lagoons of the Goytacazes Plain, a distinctive feature of the region, are formed by the natural slope of the plain between the Paraíba do Sul River and the coastline. These lagoons can be classified into two geomorphological contexts: alluvial plain lakes and restinga lakes. They serve as vital habitats for various species, contributing to the rich biodiversity of the region. However, drainage and degradation of these wetland ecosystems for agricultural and industrial activities threaten their ecological integrity.

Characteristics of the Goytacazes Plain

The Goytacazes Plain, stretching from the Guaxindiba River to the Macaé River, is characterized by alluvial lands and restinga, with ages ranging from less than 5,000 to 120,000 years. It constitutes the largest plain in the state of Rio de Janeiro, covering extensive alluvial areas and one of the largest restinga formations in the state. The region’s topography, with minimal slopes between the Paraíba do Sul River and the sea, presents challenges for the drainage of river and rainfall waters, resulting in flooded areas during periods of heavy rainfall. The interaction between continental waters and the sea has shaped the landscape of the region over time, influencing urban development and agricultural activities, while presenting sustainability challenges.

The History of Campos dos Goytacazes

Dating back to the colonial period when seven nobles and the Jesuits sought land to establish cattle farms, faced with the saturation of sugar cane plantations in Rio de Janeiro. Despite the Royal Decree of 1701, which limited livestock farming, the Seven Captains managed to establish three pens between 1632-1634. Initially, there was no intention of founding an urban settlement in the region.

Religious orders, especially Jesuits and Benedictines, focused on the catechesis of the natives and economic activities. Salvador Correia de Sá e Benevides, upon discovering the fertility of the plains, promoted the occupation of the region. A parish was established, giving rise to a village known as the Church of São Francisco. However, the population remained scarce in the village of São Salvador dos Campos dos Goytacazes, with more settlers in rural areas.

The indigenous Goitacá, initially hostile, were confronted by Portuguese colonizers, leading to the abandonment of established villages. In 1627, the Captaincy of São Tomé was divided among seven Portuguese captains, who faced indigenous resistance while establishing their dominion over the land. The first sugar mill was established in 1650, marking the beginning of agricultural activities. The village of São Salvador dos Campos dos Goytacazes was founded in 1677 by the Viscount d’Asseca, dominating the region until its fall in 1750. The expansion of sugar cane accelerated with the division of large properties. On March 28, 1835, the village was elevated to the status of a city, receiving the name Campos dos Goytacazes in homage to the indigenous peoples who inhabited the region.

CPA Research:

Goytaca Vegetable Tannin

In partnership with the Federal University of Pelotas, CPA conducts innovative research on the preservation and modification of the physical-chemical characteristics of wood. Our approach involves the use of water from local tropical peatlands and vegetable tannin from Acacia as organic compounds. We are excited to announce that we are finalists for the 2024 Green Awards for this innovative work.

Water from Tropical Peatlands: Heavy Metal Bioremediation and Impact on Water Purification

Reynaldo collaborates with a private company on a study investigating the potential of water from tropical peatlands as a bioremediation agent for heavy metals, specifically copper, in tailings ponds. He believes that if successful, this study could alter the understanding of how peatland water acts as a purifier, naturally filtering and recharging groundwater. Water from these peatlands can be an essential tool for improving water quality in different environmental contexts.


Besides being nominee to the Green Product Award, in 2022, CPA had the honor of receiving the Impact Latam – Latin America Seal, an award granted by Innovation Latam and the Dom Cabral Foundation. This recognition values startups committed to ESG (environmental, social, and governance) guidelines and aligned with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
